
Info about bots (available bot commands, etc)

botInfo#1b74b335 user_id:long description:string commands:Vector<BotCommand> = BotInfo;


Name Type Description
flags # Flags, see TL conditional fields
has_preview_medias flags.6?true If set, the bot has some preview medias for the configured Main Mini App, see here ยป for more info on Main Mini App preview medias.
user_id flags.0?long ID of the bot
description flags.1?string Description of the bot
description_photo flags.4?Photo Description photo
description_document flags.5?Document Description animation in MPEG4 format
commands flags.2?Vector<BotCommand> Bot commands that can be used in the chat
menu_button flags.3?BotMenuButton Indicates the action to execute when pressing the in-UI menu button for bots



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Mini Apps on Telegram

Bots can offer users interactive HTML5 web apps to completely replace any website.