
Extended user info

When updating the local peer database », all fields from the newly received constructor take priority over the old constructor cached locally (including by removing fields that aren't set in the new constructor).

userFull#c4b1fc3f flags:# blocked:flags.0?true phone_calls_available:flags.4?true phone_calls_private:flags.5?true can_pin_message:flags.7?true has_scheduled:flags.12?true video_calls_available:flags.13?true voice_messages_forbidden:flags.20?true id:long about:flags.1?string settings:PeerSettings profile_photo:flags.2?Photo notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings bot_info:flags.3?BotInfo pinned_msg_id:flags.6?int common_chats_count:int folder_id:flags.11?int ttl_period:flags.14?int theme_emoticon:flags.15?string private_forward_name:flags.16?string bot_group_admin_rights:flags.17?ChatAdminRights bot_broadcast_admin_rights:flags.18?ChatAdminRights premium_gifts:flags.19?Vector<PremiumGiftOption> = UserFull;


Name Type Description
flags # Flags, see TL conditional fields
blocked flags.0?true Whether you have blocked this user
phone_calls_available flags.4?true Whether this user can make VoIP calls
phone_calls_private flags.5?true Whether this user's privacy settings allow you to call them
can_pin_message flags.7?true Whether you can pin messages in the chat with this user, you can do this only for a chat with yourself
has_scheduled flags.12?true Whether scheduled messages are available
video_calls_available flags.13?true Whether the user can receive video calls
voice_messages_forbidden flags.20?true Whether this user doesn't allow sending voice messages in a private chat with them
translations_disabled flags.23?true Whether the real-time chat translation popup should be hidden.
stories_pinned_available flags.26?true Whether this user has some pinned stories.
blocked_my_stories_from flags.27?true Whether we've blocked this user, preventing them from seeing our stories ».
wallpaper_overridden flags.28?true Whether the other user has chosen a custom wallpaper for us using messages.setChatWallPaper and the for_both flag, see here » for more info.
contact_require_premium flags.29?true If set, we cannot write to this user: subscribe to Telegram Premium to get permission to write to this user.
To set this flag for ourselves invoke account.setGlobalPrivacySettings, setting the settings.new_noncontact_peers_require_premium flag, see here » for more info.
read_dates_private flags.30?true If set, we cannot fetch the exact read date of messages we send to this user using messages.getOutboxReadDate.
The exact read date of messages might still be unavailable for other reasons, see here » for more info.
To set this flag for ourselves invoke account.setGlobalPrivacySettings, setting the settings.hide_read_marks flag.
flags2 # Flags, see TL conditional fields
sponsored_enabled flags2.7?true Whether ads were re-enabled for the current account (only accessible to the currently logged-in user), see here » for more info.
id long User ID
about flags.1?string Bio of the user
settings PeerSettings Peer settings
personal_photo flags.21?Photo Personal profile photo, to be shown instead of profile_photo.
profile_photo flags.2?Photo Profile photo
fallback_photo flags.22?Photo Fallback profile photo, displayed if no photo is present in profile_photo or personal_photo, due to privacy settings.
notify_settings PeerNotifySettings Notification settings
bot_info flags.3?BotInfo For bots, info about the bot (bot commands, etc)
pinned_msg_id flags.6?int Message ID of the last pinned message
common_chats_count int Chats in common with this user
folder_id flags.11?int Peer folder ID, for more info click here
ttl_period flags.14?int Time To Live of all messages in this chat; once a message is this many seconds old, it must be deleted.
theme_emoticon flags.15?string Emoji associated with chat theme
private_forward_name flags.16?string Anonymized text to be shown instead of the user's name on forwarded messages
bot_group_admin_rights flags.17?ChatAdminRights A suggested set of administrator rights for the bot, to be shown when adding the bot as admin to a group, see here for more info on how to handle them ».
bot_broadcast_admin_rights flags.18?ChatAdminRights A suggested set of administrator rights for the bot, to be shown when adding the bot as admin to a channel, see here for more info on how to handle them ».
premium_gifts flags.19?Vector<PremiumGiftOption> Telegram Premium subscriptions gift options
wallpaper flags.24?WallPaper Wallpaper to use in the private chat with the user.
stories flags.25?PeerStories Active stories »
business_work_hours flags2.0?BusinessWorkHours Telegram Business working hours ».
business_location flags2.1?BusinessLocation Telegram Business location ».
business_greeting_message flags2.2?BusinessGreetingMessage Telegram Business greeting message ».
business_away_message flags2.3?BusinessAwayMessage Telegram Business away message ».
business_intro flags2.4?BusinessIntro Specifies a custom Telegram Business profile introduction ».
birthday flags2.5?Birthday Contains info about the user's birthday ».
personal_channel_id flags2.6?long ID of the associated personal channel », that should be shown in the profile page.
personal_channel_message flags2.6?int ID of the latest message of the associated personal channel », that should be previewed in the profile page.



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Set a custom wallpaper » in a specific private chat with another user.


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Telegram Premium

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Set global privacy settings


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Get the exact read date of one of our messages, sent to a private chat with another user.

Can be only done for private outgoing messages not older than appConfig.pm_read_date_expire_period ».

If the peer's userFull.read_dates_private flag is set, we will not be able to fetch the exact read date of messages we send to them, and a USER_PRIVACY_RESTRICTED RPC error will be emitted.
The exact read date of messages might still be unavailable for other reasons, see here » for more info.
To set userFull.read_dates_private for ourselves invoke account.setGlobalPrivacySettings, setting the settings.hide_read_marks flag.


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Pinned messages

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Admin, banned, default rights

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Channels, supergroups, gigagroups and basic groups

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Peer database

Many constructors in the API need to be stored in a local database upon reception and should only ever be updated reactively (passively) when received via updates or by other means (as specified in the documentation), to avoid overloading the server by continuously requesting changes for the same unchanged information.