
Edit message

 Method schema is available as of layer 72. Switch »


Name Type Description
flags # Flags, see TL conditional fields
no_webpage flags.1?true Disable webpage preview
invert_media flags.16?true If set, any eventual webpage preview will be shown on top of the message instead of at the bottom.
peer InputPeer Where was the message sent
id int ID of the message to edit
message flags.11?string New message
media flags.14?InputMedia New attached media
reply_markup flags.2?ReplyMarkup Reply markup for inline keyboards
entities flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> Message entities for styled text
schedule_date flags.15?int Scheduled message date for scheduled messages
quick_reply_shortcut_id flags.17?int If specified, edits a quick reply shortcut message, instead ».



Possible errors

Code Type Description
400 BOT_DOMAIN_INVALID Bot domain invalid.
400 BOT_INVALID This is not a valid bot.
400 BUTTON_DATA_INVALID The data of one or more of the buttons you provided is invalid.
400 BUTTON_TYPE_INVALID The type of one or more of the buttons you provided is invalid.
400 BUTTON_URL_INVALID Button URL invalid.
400 CHANNEL_INVALID The provided channel is invalid.
406 CHANNEL_PRIVATE You haven't joined this channel/supergroup.
403 CHAT_ADMIN_REQUIRED You must be an admin in this chat to do this.
400 CHAT_FORWARDS_RESTRICTED You can't forward messages from a protected chat.
403 CHAT_SEND_GIFS_FORBIDDEN You can't send gifs in this chat.
403 CHAT_WRITE_FORBIDDEN You can't write in this chat.
400 DOCUMENT_INVALID The specified document is invalid.
400 ENTITIES_TOO_LONG You provided too many styled message entities.
400 ENTITY_BOUNDS_INVALID A specified entity offset or length is invalid, see here » for info on how to properly compute the entity offset/length.
400 FILE_PARTS_INVALID The number of file parts is invalid.
400 IMAGE_PROCESS_FAILED Failure while processing image.
403 INLINE_BOT_REQUIRED Only the inline bot can edit message.
400 INPUT_USER_DEACTIVATED The specified user was deleted.
400 MEDIA_CAPTION_TOO_LONG The caption is too long.
400 MEDIA_EMPTY The provided media object is invalid.
400 MEDIA_GROUPED_INVALID You tried to send media of different types in an album.
400 MEDIA_INVALID Media invalid.
400 MEDIA_NEW_INVALID The new media is invalid.
400 MEDIA_PREV_INVALID Previous media invalid.
400 MEDIA_TTL_INVALID The specified media TTL is invalid.
403 MESSAGE_AUTHOR_REQUIRED Message author required.
400 MESSAGE_EDIT_TIME_EXPIRED You can't edit this message anymore, too much time has passed since its creation.
400 MESSAGE_EMPTY The provided message is empty.
400 MESSAGE_ID_INVALID The provided message id is invalid.
400 MESSAGE_NOT_MODIFIED The provided message data is identical to the previous message data, the message wasn't modified.
400 MESSAGE_TOO_LONG The provided message is too long.
400 MSG_ID_INVALID Invalid message ID provided.
500 MSG_WAIT_FAILED A waiting call returned an error.
400 PEER_ID_INVALID The provided peer id is invalid.
400 REPLY_MARKUP_INVALID The provided reply markup is invalid.
400 REPLY_MARKUP_TOO_LONG The specified reply_markup is too long.
400 SCHEDULE_DATE_INVALID Invalid schedule date provided.
400 USER_BANNED_IN_CHANNEL You're banned from sending messages in supergroups/channels.
400 WEBPAGE_NOT_FOUND A preview for the specified webpage url could not be generated.

Bots can use this method

Related pages

Styled text with message entities

How to create styled text with message entities

Scheduled messages

Telegram allows scheduling messages


Users can turn their Telegram account into a business account, gaining access to business features such as opening hours, location, quick replies, automated messages, custom start pages, chatbot support, and more.