

messageMediaEmpty#3ded6320 = MessageMedia;
messageMediaPhoto#c8c45a2a photo:Photo = MessageMedia;
messageMediaVideo#a2d24290 video:Video = MessageMedia;
messageMediaGeo#56e0d474 geo:GeoPoint = MessageMedia;
messageMediaContact#5e7d2f39 phone_number:string first_name:string last_name:string user_id:int = MessageMedia;


Constructor Description
messageMediaEmpty Empty constructor.
messageMediaPhoto Attached photo.
messageMediaGeo Attached map.
messageMediaContact Attached contact.
messageMediaUnsupported Current version of the client does not support this media type.
messageMediaDocument Document (video, audio, voice, sticker, any media type except photo)
messageMediaWebPage Preview of webpage
messageMediaVenue Venue
messageMediaGame Telegram game
messageMediaInvoice Invoice
messageMediaGeoLive Indicates a live geolocation
messageMediaPoll Poll
messageMediaDice Dice-based animated sticker
messageMediaStory Represents a forwarded story or a story mention.
messageMediaGiveaway Contains info about a giveaway, see here » for more info.
messageMediaGiveawayResults A giveaway with public winners has finished, this constructor contains info about the winners.
messageMediaPaidMedia Paid media, see here » for more info.


Method Description
messages.getWebPagePreview Get preview of webpage
messages.uploadMedia Upload a file and associate it to a chat (without actually sending it to the chat)
messages.uploadImportedMedia Upload a media file associated with an imported chat, click here for more info ».